Hagal joins UN Global Compact

Hagal signed the UN Global Compact initiative to strengthen our commitment to the Sustainable Development goals.
The mission of the UN Global Compact is to start a global movement of sustainable companies and stakeholders. Currently, the network counts more than 12 000 member organizations, in 160 countries. As part of this movement, Hagal will align our strategies and operations with the Ten Principles on human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption; and take strategic actions to advance broader societal goals, such as the UN Sustainable Development Goals, with an emphasis on collaboration and innovation.
– Hagal is driven by the desire to develop battery solutions that address global energy challenges. Our big and hairy goal is to end dependency on fossil fuels for a cleaner tomorrow. The membership in the UN Global Compact gives us access to the world´s largest corporate sustainability network, and a framework that can help guide our sustainability efforts and push us in the right direction, says Christian F. P. Ringvold, CEO in Hagal.
Powering a green future
The Sustainable Development Goals allow us to demonstrate how Hagal helps to advance sustainable development.
– We have identified four Sustainable Development Goals that lie close to our core purpose and business objectives. These are goals we will strive to support, and look at how to concretize and measure, Ringvold explains.
UN Goal 7 – Affordable and Clean Energy
Battery technology is the keystone of the energy transition, facilitating decarbonization of the transportation sector while providing critical energy storage solutions for intermittent solar and wind power generation. Energy storage solutions are crucial to obtain a transition towards a zero-emission based society, ensuring more balanced energy and consumption.
While the global trends point towards reduced investments in fossil fuels, there is still a huge gap to ramp up with sufficient green energy to replace it. In 2019, over 80 percent of global energy consumption was provided by oil, coal and natural gas. There is an urgent need to power the world with renewable energy, and batteries will play a crucial role in the transition to net zero by 2050.
UN Goal 9 – Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
The battery industry is becoming an important driver for the green economy. As technological development progresses, the values in the circular economy shift from recycling to reuse. The term“second life” for batteries becomes more important. Hagal wants to pave the way for battery reuse, bringing new technology to the market and driving innovation. We invest heavily in R&D and strategic partnerships, collaborating with companies and industries that want to develop more sustainable business models and focus on circular solutions.
UN Goal 12 – Responsible Consumption and Production
Hagal wants to enable a sustainable future using cutting-edge technology that allows intelligent reuse of batteries and longer battery life – strengthening the circular economy.
With more than 32 million electric cars on the roads, carrying batteries that will be phased out when the batteries remaining capacity falls below 80 percent, a huge amount of used batteries will become available in just a few years. By reusing EV battery cells, and in addition using B cells, perhaps we can also avoid raw material shortages. Hagal wants to make sure that used batteries are repurposed in energy storage solutions for solar and wind power, as well as other critical infrastructure.
UN Goal 13 – Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impact
Batteries are a key climate solution that can enable a significant reduction in carbon emissions in both the transportation and power sectors. Developing more affordable and flexible battery storage solutions, Hagal is set to accelerate electrification and transition to clean energy, enabling more sustainable industries and a healthier environment.